Thank you very much for the support you have given Black Sundown, the second part is already in the works I have taken kindly all of the things that you would like to get from the second episode and will definetly try and get them in there so that your experience is more enjoyable. Just saying thanks specially for those that placed me in your favorite artists list I will not dissapoint you. I had other projects in the works I will put all of it on hold and concentrate on this alone until the episodes are done. Something that you have to be aware is that I will not sacrifice quality for time what you will see will be my best effort.
Important questions to be answered:
what happend to the agents?
where is subject K?
who is Shin-Rei?
who's the girl, in this movie?
will General Reiken make his appereance?
Hope your interested and I will try my best not to have you waiting to much for this, soon I will have a possible ETA date for episode 2.
Sure dude, Show everyone what you can do, I'm rooting for you all the way
My boy RPG!