Hey guys, I'm working on my web page. It's kind of kool if you log now it will probably show either an internal interview to myself or a under construction sign, a very kool under construction sign I might add.
Now the web page will feature my most recent work, some stuff that I have not posted on Newgrounds, I have read your IM's and know that you want to see something new from me. I have a goal in mind and that is four posts before the year is out so expect to see some nice things.
I have brought a guy with me that is a sound engineer so he creates all sorts of FX's and music. I have a few more things and surprises up my sleeve the page should be up and running by September 30th, 2009.
In the immortal words of DNZ "stay tooned" to newgrounds.com for more details and of course my animations. I will keep posting on newgrounds.com but in my site first and a week or so later on newgrounds, all though when the web page goes online initially I will post in both sites at the first time.
Thanks a lot for your continued support. Guys and gals I take requests so if there is something you want to see animated let me know so we can try and get done for you.
Let me leave you guys off with a screenshot of my latest animation called Cell-14... enjoy!
Howzit, your internet page is looking promising (If I say so myself). Oneself, is certainly looking forwards for more of the "Black Sundown" series. As with sound quality of Agent Lynn, you'll get nice top quality shit there mate (and I'll make sure that I don't sound like a queer.lol)
All in all - Keep up with the net page my man, looking good.
Aleks - xoxo
kewllllllllllll - I'm openning up with something called Cell-14....... it's a surprise I think you will enjoy!!